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Showing posts from November, 2012


Armpit救星--Shills Bubble Body Scrub

女生每当要穿无袖上衣,吊带裙还是那种毫无遮掩自己腋下的服装时,最苦恼的是那毛毛的腋下还有那像是被一团乌云遮盖的腋下。用过了不同的偏方,美白,淡化,都不能像电视上的名模,歌星,演员拥有举起双手都不尴尬的腋下。 女生因为经常拔腋毛的关系,黑色素沉淀在肌肤表层,那尴尬无敌的场面,会让人误以为你没有拔干净腋毛。真的恨不得每个人的眼睛会自动变白当眼神漂浮停留在腋下! 救星来咯!那天,同事介绍一个网站购物,挺不错的。综合世界各地的产品,当然啦, 产品的功效是视个人而定的。信誉好的卖家和不好的卖家也有。世界上不可能只有好人没有坏人啊。所以不要再鸡蛋里挑骨头了哦! 言归真题,就是他!Shills Bubble Body Scrub!轻轻的涂抹在要变白的地方,就会有揉出灰色的屑。十分好用!而且马上见效哦! 一定要摇摇那支body scrub。 对准要涂抹的部分,挤出适当的分量。 当你涂抹的时候觉得湿湿水水的,不到1分钟就会干掉 原本雪白色的慕斯会变成灰色的屑,被涂抹的部分也会感觉凉凉冰冰的哦! 用水冲洗就好啦! 很简单的步骤吧!3分钟左右就能见效。冲了水后,被涂抹后的皮肤也是感觉冰凉的。这支body scrub还有薄荷的清香,所以整个人都觉得凉凉的,清爽的哦!                                 before VS after 上网买的物品有一定的风险,因为shills是个国际时尚化妆品牌,所以他的物品都有黏上银色的品质保证镭射标!当你用不同的角度看的时候,会看到‘SHILLS’ , ‘林荃企业有限公司’。记得检查清楚、问清楚卖家才决定下单哦!     最特别的设计是他的嘴巴。有个盖子,那么你去旅行的时候就不怕被挤完出来咯! 除了腋下,还有膝盖啊,手肘哦,这些比较暗沉的地方都能美白哦。

Stephy is a consultant now!

Holla =) Guess what! i started my very first permanent job in a recruiting firm. Okay, everyone known it as agency. oh yeah, you are right! I am the agent. hrmm hrrmm *coughing*, i am the recruitment consultant, sounds pro right! Hehe, i know it sound pro, yet down to the earth, i am a sales anyway. My product will be my candidate and my client. I got to sell both of them to each and let them attach to each. (eh?sound more like a 'hong niang'). Dont get me wrong okay, it is not that simple, as lot of communication is involved rather in the form of email or conversation through the phone and even face-to face. It seems simple before i really sit in the office and start communicating. Once i was thought that, 'hey, is simple la, matching people resume with the client requirements, and get the deal close ASAP, wow, easy money earn leh!' Yet, the fact is, consume lot of times to interview people, talk to client on specific criteria they are looking for, the salary that ...


还记得刚回国的时候,我因为时差问题总是失眠。忍不住的在电话银幕按上了拨打给他。电话里头的他,带着睡意的声音听我说话到我渐渐入眠。这是他每晚熟睡后被我吵醒。 我不知道我哪里好吸引了他,对着外人,家人替我说尽好话,做好形象,一直用他爱我的方式影响我改变我...