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Stephy is a consultant now!

Holla =)

Guess what! i started my very first permanent job in a recruiting firm. Okay, everyone known it as agency. oh yeah, you are right! I am the agent. hrmm hrrmm *coughing*, i am the recruitment consultant, sounds pro right! Hehe, i know it sound pro, yet down to the earth, i am a sales anyway. My product will be my candidate and my client. I got to sell both of them to each and let them attach to each. (eh?sound more like a 'hong niang'). Dont get me wrong okay, it is not that simple, as lot of communication is involved rather in the form of email or conversation through the phone and even face-to face.

It seems simple before i really sit in the office and start communicating. Once i was thought that, 'hey, is simple la, matching people resume with the client requirements, and get the deal close ASAP, wow, easy money earn leh!' Yet, the fact is, consume lot of times to interview people, talk to client on specific criteria they are looking for, the salary that meet both parties desire, the location, the job function, the working days and all the benefit... WALAOYEH....out of sudden, i turn out to be the middle people (which i am really the middle people la..) to deliver all the information and bargain  negotiate for the benefit of both parties!

Not only that, sometime the client might out from the office, might has own candidate source (there are also others agency and sources like referral by friends or family, Jobstreet), which will drag lagi more time! On the other hand, candidate also has go through numbers of interview arranged by themselve and they accepted the offer before i can offer them.. T^T, MONEY NOT EASY TO EARN Okay!

Okay, i am accepting the fact of doing sales not easy. Well, it is a good learning opportunity as meeting with client, i come across various position in various industry, i get to know what exactly the post is doing rather than i do really spend my time like 1-2 years to know only one post in one industry. How many years i am going to spend in order to figure out what i really want to do?Improving my knowledge and the communication skill as i mentioned lotsa communication is required for the recruitment process. So this is the pros and cons la. Yet, i wouldnt say this is the best job ever, but good enough for myself now since i dont really like admin task as everyday is doing routine job (sales target is a pressure though), i will fall asleep leh!

Hmm, take my time to learn and yeah, i am still young, has the right to explore and gain something which i know is better for myself. =) Keep this positive attitude! i know i can do it (although sometime i has my emo bout it).

Actually i have my own small small dream, I wanna to start own business, but not for this moment la. Maybe in the future *pray hard*. Still not my way to tie myself in the office and being observed by people around. I would like to be own boss, as long i can make money (in legal way of course), it doesnt matter on what i do right, but this philosophy definitely cannot apply in the office, you are employed to be productive for the company, you are paid to do that! hmmm.. this gonna happend when my another half able support me! *laugh*

With the dream i hold, it motivated me to be closer with it.


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