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The last summer @ Barcelona |
oops, is June people!!! Half year was gone like wind. i still remember my chinese new year long holidays, my convo graduation ceremony, my melacca, ipoh, cameron highlands trip! All are like yesterday! T.T
What bout doing a checklist/evaluation on how much we have go further in the past 6 months? Still remember the New Year Resolution?Obviously i have forgotten my resolution. Perhaps , i can create a new one for the coming another half year! sound great right!
Ok, my resolution goes to-----> saving!!!! please safe me from those unnecessary shopping =( i wanna save more money, for my dream house!?a vacation without any detail planning!?hmmm....whatever reason it is, a saving at least 3zero in this year! So now i am trying very hard to transfer portion of my salary to another account and even die of hunger i am not going to use it.
Second resolution which is equal important as the first one, because without this, my first cant be accomplished! A job with career development! i shall no afraid of failing, afraid of trying, afraid of tiring, afriad of i also don't know what i am afraid of =.= . My time is much precious to spend, to learn. Thus, i am going to look into something and from there i gonna start my career path, step by step moving towards into managerial roles and of cause achieve the self satisfaction in the job!
Half year has gone.. i am still searching the me. Oh hello, if you found me somewhere please awake me.. wokey?
I always ask myself, what kind of future i am looking. Because whatever i done today, is about my tomorrow. is damn stress man, because i don't want waste any of my time in unnecessary thingys. I jealous how people can simply put aside all his job and goes off for a vacation, i jealous people can earn much and live in luxuries. Oh, i am jealous with those good earning and often go to vacation! Anyway, i wanna live according to my wills and i am the one going to be accountable to my actions!
Dear me,
Kindly accept the way who you are and just be who ever u wanna be! life is short, go enjoy the flow and be happy as you are still alive for every second and able make any changes when it does not come in your way.
From me whom wish i will be happy forever!