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Showing posts from January, 2011

是的 我很久没找人谈心谈肺了。 围绕在自己的生活,我承认我是自私的。我承认我是不服输的。我承认我真的他妈的不爽!那又如何呢?生活不都这样吗?以前我总会说,我不要戴面具做人,因为我做不到。所以每次都掏心掏肺,可是时间的磨练,感激,我学会了戴上面具。感激,我还学不会如何去利用别人。感激,我领教了各位狗熊们的功力。 我不想再这样生活下去了,没有意义,浪费时间浪费我的精神。知道么,我不是小丑,我不是谁的影子,我不是谁的候补。睁大你那小眼睛,给我看清我是谁。说真的,你的性格如何,你态度,我真的不想鸟你。 我会选择飞往自己的国度,过自己要的生活。你想怎样,你要去哪,你要干嘛,我不会再怕事的一一参与了,我宁可注重自己也不愿去理会他人的想法。 同样的,我还是觉得你们最好!  给予我无限的爱无限的支持。即使毕业后我们都在自己的梦想努力中,但是,我们还是最支持大家的。真正的朋友是没有利益之分,贵贱之分。感激在中学时期,我遇上了你们。 我曾经是如此的执着自己的梦想,那么的希望能成功的自己,那被搁置的梦想,我会重新担起来,继续飞了。 我还是我,从没改变的我,改变的是那颗看懂人间冷暖的心。 我会飞,飞往自己的国度,在那片属于自己的高空,依然坚强的飞翔!

i love you and this is no doubt!

I have no idea on how to start my blog this time yet i do wanna say something to my boyfriend. okay, sorry to readers for reading my lovey notes to my dear, you may leave my space before further reading. i don mind need you all blessing, so please don't be so mean to me okay? XD Something happened lately, and those misery in the past, please stay in the past, because i am having the confidence to be longer with my dear. I bet everyone know how much i care on the messages my dear send to me or even just a few minutes calls could make my day be so graceful. I admit in the past, i am so sensitive and keep thinking and guessing my dear just not so fall into me like how deep i fall for him. However the fact is, he aint such a bad guy! I don't know why, i can start smell the sense of love in the air whenever he text me saying i have been some times never message him or find him. It feel so great he is care on me! Well, we are different with other random couples like can date...


我真的很讨厌 很讨厌。并不是我的修行不够深并不是我没有修养。很多人说很少看见我生气,因为我总是觉得不想把气氛搞砸。我知道好脾气的人才会受人欢迎,我不想被排斥,我不想被嫌弃。所以很多东西我都往肚子里吞,很多的不愉快很多的想法我都不会说出来。总是默默跟着大队的意识走。慢慢失去了自己的本性。 我并不是善良的 。 我不知道自己是先天还是后天爱自由,先天的说法是我命中注定就是爱自由,害怕被约束。以前年纪还比较小的时候,会试着反抗父母的意见,执意做自己想做的事情,当然后头肯定发生很多的争执很多的伤害,渐渐地 知道自己斗不过父母的。姜是老的辣,往往都会被父母用尽方法压制我,后期的我了解到真的不能硬碰硬,因为自己什么都没有。我学会了如何配合,如何压制自己的想法,压制自己的情绪。抱着一个信念,只要完成父母的希望,那么有天我会尽情的飞在属于自己的天空。 当然这也成为我处事的一种态度。失去了自己的意愿,自己的想法,盲目的跟从。 因为不想被遗弃,被排挤。努力的后头,我其实背负着父母的希望,肩上的担子一心想让父母觉得我是有用的,我是能出人头地。 在朋友面前,因为认识的不多,俗语说 ‘在外靠朋友’, 把朋友特别看重特别在乎,当然习惯性的跟从。是的,我的脾气真的掩饰得很好,再生气,再怎么感觉被忽略,我都会挤出笑容 装出一副慢半拍的样子,装成一副傻傻发呆 就是为了掩饰自己,害怕被朋友讨厌。 是的,我的火还蛮看人,除非真的让我忍无可忍我才会语气加重 认真态度让对方知道我的态度。当然我知道还有更多人也是和我一样的把气都忍了,但重点是。【 我是我! 】 我何必跟别人一样呢? 我管个屁啊! 如果 我喜欢那么我会选择做,当然我不喜欢 我就不会跟从。有时候不是说什么配不配合,当每个人都配合,那么为何我不退让呢?因为【 我为何要勉强自己呢? 】不是重视不重视的问题,而是没有这种必要。有时候朋友真的很难当,拒绝会被人说【 你不合作 】 【 你不把其他人当朋友 】 【 你很自私 】,可是当这些话挂到嘴边的时候,是否有停下来为我想想呢?我不介意一个人,因为我习惯了一个人的世界,我就是独生女吗,我最好的朋友是【 孤独 】【 寂寞 】。我很讨厌靠别人,依赖别人,因为那是人情,还不了的东西。 如果我不喜欢 我真的不会再去理会任何涉及人物的心情 因为当你没有去理解我的心情的时候 我凭什么要去顾虑你的感受呢?...

amare la vita

It is so happy to sit for the first paper, because it was out from my expectation on the level of toughness! Anyway 1 down and 3 more to go, i gonna work hard on coming papers. =D Before that, take a short break going shopping with mummy, although i have nothing to buy, even the Chinese New Year is at the corner. Everything is increase in price however the value of money also never increase. Not only that, i am not in mood of celebrating. Perhaps another festive i can spend my times with my love one, my family. Boyfriend is not coming back. =( Talk bout boyfriend, he has been busy all these days and never send me sms or even a call! At first i do feel sad and lost on what should i do, questions like ' Are we okay now?' 'Is that a sign of break up?' 'Does he miss me like i miss him badly?'. I become so sensitive with every times my phone ring! It is so hard waiting someone message and cant look for him just afraid of disturbing him. However this bad feeli...


Honestly admit, i was purposely view his profile. I looking into his current life pictures, with her current partner, so call girlfriend . It ain't the first time i know he is in a relationship, i have no doubt with my decision few years back. Given me a chance to remake everything, i still make the same decision. No regret is what my objectives in my life. People said, the partner with you to the end of your life is called partner, and those previous, they are nothing. Appreciate the current and treasure the current, i❤my boyfriend Mr.JW =) Life is short, fact that you and me know deeply in mind. But it can be different in the term of interesting or boring. I may not like those young days being a naive girl believe to the fairy tales, believe what i see or what i heard even what i know. There are lot exception, including law which you think it is equitable and just! Looking backward, the days when i were 18 years old, entering college with lot of expectation. Expecting it c...


去阿姨家一趟 其实坦白说 我真的没有那份心去 因为夜猫子温习的我 怎么可能还有心情早早起床陪妈妈去啊姨家呢?无疑的去到那 我肯定是陪她们吃早餐,逛街,提东西呢。 但是 不可能丢下妈妈一人自己搭地铁去 所以还是马上起来洗澡就出门咯 惯例的早餐惯例的逛街 回到啊姨家 发现狗狗一直在揉自己眼睛 说真的我很久没有好好真视狗狗好多年了 从他慢慢变大只以后 我都对狗狗多的远远去 看着狗狗 我的回忆飞回去了大概10 年前吧 那时候 从姨妈口中听到她家里来了一只小狗狗 她说狗狗很可爱 养在屋子里 反而大狗狗 一直还是在屋外呢 到家后 我迫不及待 要见见小狗狗 那时候 他刚出生 很小只 以当时我的年纪,狗狗的大小 相等于我的小手掌 我已开始很害怕 不敢碰狗狗 但是小狗狗很可爱 他的毛长长的 很像一团毛毛球 我有我两个小手掌 把小狗狗捧在手心 去到那里都带着小狗狗 给小狗狗说故事 唱歌给小狗狗听 即使 睡觉 我的小手掌还是捧着小狗狗 后来每一次去见小狗狗 他的身形比我的手掌更大了 他也从屋里搬去屋外睡觉咯 也从那个时候开始 我怕小狗狗了 因为 他那可爱的模样不再了 动作灵敏了 是一只可以帮忙顾屋子的狗狗 现在 大狗狗走了 小狗狗没了个伴 家里的人也少了  屋子里不再围着小狗狗热闹了 小狗狗成为了大狗狗 他依旧会睡在屋子的客厅 他依旧害怕打雷 他依旧爱追着妈妈玩耍 他依旧是我心里的小狗狗 不懂怎么的 好像有预感小狗狗就快不在人世了 今天替小狗狗拍了几张照片 小狗狗很会看镜头 小狗狗 我忘了告诉你 【我爱你】 你蓝色的眼睛我不会忘记 你躺在我手掌的感觉 至今我还记得 对不起 你曾是我最好的玩伴 却把你给丢下 小狗狗 我会记得你


Welcome year 2011 .. once open my eyes, i wish myself have a very good year. I wasn't going for any countdown but i i had my girls with me in such precious moment in MSN. Although we often meet up with each other, but MSN always the best way for us to meet up and stay connected! Thanks to the founder of MSN. XD Yesterday i viewed s ook yee's blog. Hey girl, u fill up my life whenever i am being alone. Appreciate and treasure lot of the love you shower me all this year from past and current! Of course i know it will continue in this year next year next next year and a lot of next next year. I wish u get your happiness soon because what i want most for you is HAPPINESS. nothing more than that I will always remember how you treat me and how you support me whatever decision i make. You share my joys my tears my everything just like a part of yours. I will never stingy in sharing of mine to you. What a good beginning of year i am surrounding by your love. Never left out soo...