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Showing posts from October, 2010

i love you

i never tot i would fall for you you are just so much important to me i dare not to hurt you i treasure you i appreciate you  i love you with my full heart i learn to be tolerate with you i learn to accept who you are i learn to enjoy who i am with you i learn to be considerable and understandable i learn to be the perfect and the better of the best i wish i can give all the best in the world to you i wish i can share your joys and tears no matter what i wish i can always update your news i wish you are belong to me forever and ever i wish you are the one to me all the tough time and all the sweet time i realize i would love and wanna first let you know  my world is part of your world is always welcome you to enter and be part of my life if u willing to do so i will not hesitate to share everything of mine to you just because i love you and it can be more than anything when i heard you are impressing by the couple's 'notice board' with lot memories putting on in ...


矛盾和冲突是内心的词汇 掩饰,修饰,装饰 是用来整合我的一切言行 内心深处对自己的不确定感,不自信 使我经常不愿自己的言行影响到他人对我的看法 傲慢自负的言行证明自己的与众不同 私下里却为了博得他人的好感 处处替人着想                                                              傲慢寡言面具背后的质补 是的 他说我 是个 自卑,懦弱的人 最不介意最不计较最不在乎的角色~ 像个救生圈只有需要的时候才派得上用场       有位前辈跟我说  只要我懂得  【悟】   那么我就会把一切放得很开 还年轻的我心境已是像个经历过沧桑的人 小小心里围满了围墙 与世无争 我不过是个小小的角色


是的, update post已经变成不是我能经常去做的事情了 因为升上了advance后,时间变得更少,每个礼拜都会被那些堆积如山的tutorials & reports叠死 连平时爱上网看戏,fb的时间也的牺牲了,睡眠时间更加不用说! 在这忙碌的日子里,我找到自己要过的生活 虽然结束了一段短暂的感情,但也许我被曾经的伤害磨练成一个人也过得很好 所以这次并没有像以往的难过 是的,我有时觉得自己太过的理性 甚至能独自一个人也无所谓 也许就是忙碌的生活 我没有多余的时间去想感情的事情 也许我的遇到一个跟我一样忙的人 前提是,为了什么要谈恋爱呢? 是的,我不懂这次的空窗期会有多久 只是我希望我能在下一段感情开始之前 好好过属于自己的生活 也仅有自己的生活 忙了又忙,我还是继续那些like never end的功课好了

迷了路 乱了方向 是的,我不懂自己要的是什么 不要的又是什么 跟着感觉走着很危险,伤了别人也伤了自己 想想 还是自己一个人好 偶尔我需要一个拥抱 让自己得到一下下的安慰 我没有太多的想法 因为我连自己的思绪也找不清 有没有一架GPS能找到去我心的路 ?

wait and stop

Although now just week 2, as a random college student should be still in honey moon mode. Too bad that, those lecturer and tutors are not making the life easy for us. The subject is hard enough for us to understand as those lecture(s) or tutor(s) is/are going through the topic too fast! I admit my foundation is not strong enough and make me may get lost sometime. Normally study group will only start after submission of our assignment and the mid-term test begin, but can you believe that today should be 12pm class but 9++am we had already arrived at college and start the revision. Can you see that how hardworking we are!?(hopefully it can last long till the end of the semester.) As everyone will think the FA II is killing us but here goes with the SM where there is 3 homework need to pass up on next week and yeah individual assignment and a group assignment for subsequent weeks! I know the life wont be as easy as diploma or the first semester as we aren't getting the cultural s...