于是 很多朋友会莫名接到我的电话
笑笑的挂上电话 并没有让心情变得更好
后来 跟一个很聊得来的朋友 述说了事情
去到最后 自己说下说下 却莫名替你说好话
原来 他是对的 你已经融入我的心里了
还记得当初被他拒绝后 你也失恋着
是的 对你的爱意真的比你慢了半拍
我知道你的在乎 你的诚意
尤其在你忙着assignment midterm test的高峰期
还的挤出时间 给我无数的关心 却换来我的冷漠
对不起 我的豆腐。。
在难过的时候 曾经的他又给予我安慰鼓励
我很内疚地说 其实我有想过
如果当初执著的等待 是否 这个局面不会出现呢?
因为他慢慢退位 去到了好朋友
你也在平时跟我的互动中 慢慢的进位
我曾经告诉老天爷 让过去的 留在过去
在缩小范围 因为 我只想要一个就够了
豆腐 让我们重新开始
再次的 我们能想幸福招手
即使未来 很茫然
好吧 lets talk about my 感言before the final...
first of all, thanks to my friends, classmate giving me a fun and enjoyable time in tarc.
i want thanks to my fellow tutor and lecturer being so responsibility in guiding us in study. here please allow me to give my appreciation to our 'lovely' ms.C in guiding us in management paper! without her, my test wouldn't get a F first in my life time of study. She did gave her great job in providing lots examples to make us more understand on the chapter, she always use the KL road as example however, i am not familiar with those road. She did provide the example by providing the quality of imported cars and local cars. It definitely giving me a clear picture on the trend of the cars now. However, is my own problem in understanding the functions or design of the cars and as well as her experience is witnessed an incident which may happened recently to her. Furthermore, the it is a good sign which she wanna to build a trust or good relationship with us by telling us about her dogs, her family, her life in UK, in works and even her health! It is so grateful a teacher who are so willing to share everything of her to us! Oh yeah. she restricted us using mandarin or cantones or other mother tongue in her class. If we did so she will call us china boy/girl, turkey, chicken, monkey, etc. I am sure all student would love a teacher whom give open book test and even telling you which page u could get the answer, yeah it was what she did. Most of us just get a pass because of the theory part we could written down, and from time to time, she told us, the answer actually is from the different chapter. wow.. what a 'lovely' teacher she is by making all the answer floating in the air . she is kind enough to upgrade 20% of student to 30++ % fail in this paper, i am wondering am i part of them.However...she request us to draw out all the relevance diagram if we really cant write out anything and she would give 1 mark at least for those diagram. What a contratic..Most important she is efficient enough within half an hour, she could finish 3 chapters! BROVO man! have you ever meet such teacher who is efficient enough?! i bet u ever meet her. what a 'lucky' i do meet her.
stop all the fxxxing s***....lucky i got my god-brother can give me personal tutor in this sub. if not i am 'die a thousand tenth!' (quote by Ms.C) =)