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unforgetable memory @ F1

my journey was from early 545am in the morning.
it is something i gain in my day which i got certain feeling hopefully i could express here.

my brother jordan was sent us for Mc.D breakfast and around 630am we started our way to Subang Parade which was requested by the supervisor to be there and will be a bus send us to Sepang Circuit.
i never expect it is taking an hour to arrive the circuit from Subang! in the bus, looking all strange faces, i could only talk to ky. the sun rose, i notice the view outside was so warm compare to the environment in the bus, it was freaking cold!!!!

when we arrived circuit, there were lot other sponsorship or joint event company arrive early than us! i cant imagine how early there are! or maybe they were overnight! haha..XD
we were instructed to take our breakfast then change to our uniform. due to lack of uniform, the supervisor at first request us to wear their tube top!!! omg..i am here being a promoter not sexy girls..T.T luckily i could fit into their XS size shirt, so i was wear the shirt! and with white mini skirt.

we were organized to several teams. i am so lucky to promote the headset at hill stand which is allocate inside the audience seat, C2, there was the cheapest price, Rm200, free seating. there is lot trees around there, so is not as hot as other station such as, pick up point, welcome point. all those are really getting sun burning ><" like ky..her skin turn red after the work!!=[
at first i cant understand why people so like car racing, as the sound so annoying and u cant see anything! the car was speeding damnably. but because i am inside the audience place, i could see the lapse clearly...i start to love and enjoy the race! seriously, the race was from 4pm , and i start to stop promoting from 4pm. ><" listening to the live broadcast through the headset, i feel more excited. coz i am seeing and listening the totally real race! RIGHT IN FRONT MY EYESIGHT!

well my jobs not only promoting the headset, but there are audience will request to take pictures with them or will request us to posing let them took pics. i like take pics with mat salleh la wei..every1 knw i love white man!!!!!! omg...i am going to drunk with it. *red face*

around 6pm. we left our booth and went down to main entrance! this is the most horrible time! it is so much far!!!! is like from ktar walking to wangsa maju. u cant imagine how far it is! the bus was late!!!! we only get home from 8pm. i do feel uncomfortable, headache attacking me. while waiting the bus, we were took pic together, exchange contacts. early in my post i did mention that feel strange to every1, but now the moment is 'bu she de'..X(

we arrive at subang parade 9 ++, luckily, VV was sending us to Asia Jaya ktm station, but the ktm do slow like snail!!!!! at 10pm only arrive!!!! we were planned to change our ktm at kl sentral back to tasik selatan and take lrt. but now, we cant imagine how we are going home, we were worry the lrt close( as we cant predict the ktm depart what time frm kl sentral!)

in the track, we both like a pity children, abandon by some1 ><" we cant look for any1 helps, or mayb you will think that we are big enough to handle our transport problem, learn be more independent, learn be strong, but PLEASE shut your mouth up!!!! WE ARE 2 GIRLS!!!! even self protecting is limited to us! we keep worrying what if ktm late, and lrt closed! how are we going home..who are going to rescue us? the moment, i felt i am so weak, i feel like to cry but what to cry for? cry i gt no 1 could help me? the view outside was soo attractive, but my heart was so lonely and the end, i decided to make a call to steven. he wasnt answer my phone! we both were like, just try out luck. take monorail and change to lrt. at least it is faster...feel a little safe when nich told me the lrt would close at 12am. we both decided to take away the mc.d to save our time. and here, Steven called us! i just said that i need to fetch me...since we are going to change our train at hang tuah, so he will pick us frm hang tuah...

yeap, he was arrived there before we arrive...we both so much release of wordiness from that time. so much thanks to him come out for us just 1 call...

a long long journey i had with different stories.
i love this day because it make me learns lot!
thanks to my supervisor. thanks to...
my brother-jordan
my fren -nic who did call me up to make sure i am safe
my fren -tw who did call and sms ask where am i
my fren -denson who are very much busy but still keep got the heart wanna fatch me
my fren -steven who gave us a drive


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