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Showing posts from February, 2010

never not that bad.

what a bad experience i had for the day time =[ wait for lrt, ktm, interview for almost 4-5hours =[ i was so much fed up but anyway if the interview success i gonna earn $$$$ .... ... ky was with yw after the interview,i took ktm alone,anyway i was sms-ed my brother to pick me..but he was sleeping =[ , anyway he did pick me after he wake up and bath... my day was a little brighten after he picked me up! after a long long discuss, we went to SK ate the 辣汤! yummy, i love the 辣汤!normally went out with him, he will pay every meal. this is the advantage become a LITTLE sister..WAHAHA XD since the night still young,but very sorry i dun feel like want to watch movie, after my 2 times silly movie marathon. i am kinda boring with this activity and i cant back home on time! =[ so we went to The Mines. Erm. i knw it was boring for him, because his lil sis keep calculating the price( i am so much broke recently), and keep comparing the prices between those shops. Come to the end, i am so ...


今天出去了一趟, 跟一个朋友[黑人]他长得高高瘦瘦却肤色比较黑。。所以叫他[黑人] 我们并不是很熟,但因为。。(秘密)我们才认识了对方 因为他提议去书局,我才赴约。 一路上他告诉[他]会出现,我真的有点乱。。因为在想。。[他]会怎么想啊? 可是我们毕竟是过去了,他无权干涉。。但如果真的碰面了,该怎么好呢? 我知道[他]曾经受过伤,我不想让[他]觉得[他]这次也是在受伤。虽然我们分开1年多了 太多思绪涌起来了。他带我去吃午餐,我们的话题难免不会围绕[他],毕竟我们之间存在太多的疑问。那曾经是过去。 没想到,陆续地其他朋友也到。。真是一个朋友聚会阿。。他们聊他们的,我们躲在书局里看书。恰好,大家都曾经看过同一本书,话题开始多了,不过最后还是静静看着手上的书,直到朋友们闹着要喝茶去。 虽然我跟其他人不是很熟,但,听着他们的故事,我让自己暂时脱离自己的烦恼。因为。。我想偶尔我需要不同的人进入我的世界,让我的世界看得更多。。 该来的就让他来吧。。 还好自己还是单身,还能享受这种自由。最起码现在是


这几天我都很糊里糊涂, 好比说。。他晚上出去不能陪我, 我却忘了。。。结果我把白天塞得满满,满怀期待晚上能好好聊,结果等了一个晚上,脾气又来了,还好在他的remind下,要爆发的不满被灭了。=p对啦。他很多道理的,有自己的一套,教我一些我不懂的事情, 杂志说,好男人有7个条件, 幽默 尊重 懂得理财 懂得宽容 可塑性高 有责任感 有神秘感 你的他有符合了哪些呢? 离题了,看吧。。很容易跑错位置了=[, 我也不懂为什么,有个小小的秘密, 今天跟我聊电话的一个朋友,气势。。我没有怎样听清楚他的话。。所以我就很理所当然用了自己回答方式 [哦。。。然后呢?] [嗯!。。。。再看看咯] [ 嘻嘻。。。。。] 继续装笑 [对咯对咯。。 不过。。。你说什么啊?] 好啦。我知道我够白痴有迟钝的。。因为有时候。。。感觉。。。我的脑袋能装下那么多吗?吸收得来吗? 像昨天的事。。没有错。。是昨天。。蛮‘鱼’的。。就因为那盒草莓阿,我以为是自己的,结果不是,虽然是好姐妹好朋友,但。。。那一刻自己内心感到怎么会以为是自己的呢?明明交给的是她不是我啊!=[ 今天又在犯同一个错。。明明杂志是给她不是我。自己却。。多手多口跑去拿跑去问。。天阿。我怎么变得那么38爱玩爱闹啊? 对于过去的我想我释怀了,所以脑袋不再诸塞,所以才变得那么多空位给我放空吗?不要阿~这样我会很容易精神紧张的 =[,什么都要担心一通!结果情绪上自然很容易变成热水随时都会滚的。尤其这个short sem,我更容易脾气暴躁,什么都要快的。 写到这里。。。。我已经开始不懂该怎样继续了。。。。因为。。。。好像很多话说。。但又好像没话说。。。倒不如。。让我emo好了。。。。


最爱星期2 了,因为早上只是上一堂comercial law,1030am就放学了 一如往常,法律课会让我自然眼皮下沉,虽然有很多cases的故事听,但。。就是怎么都提不起精神来。心理有着要好好为这个学期冲刺,但心里却为上学期的成绩提心吊胆,因为真的不是什么儿戏了. *保佑我能顺利及格* 我的故事开始从放学后,我们去pavillion看了连续两场的电影,' 财神到 ’ ‘ 花田喜事2010 ’,在那之前我们当然少不了的午餐。* 不行啦,真的会钱不够用啊如果继续那么花钱 > * 其实,我对 财神到 感触特别多, 花田 呢倒觉得是轻松搞笑,因为剧情乔段来来去去都是类似的。 在 财神到 里,我欣赏 :: 杨老师 的伟大,她一直热于助人,很喜欢她的对白‘ 天下没有不劳而获的事 ’。挺赞同的,因为我本身就没有什么好运气啊,少了幸运神的眷顾,也少了先天性的好脑袋,变成功课上只能靠后天的努力与信念一直走到今天,当然打工上也碰了不少的壁才学会了一点点地胆识与见识 *离题了* 我不爱赌钱,因为没运气,那何必要白白送钱给别人呢?而且,不管怎么样,大赢家是那个做庄的啊! 后来到 那个 533 的故事, 为了爱情, 放弃了当神仙的机会,真的只羡鸳鸯不羡仙阿。因为明白治好了爱人的眼睛同时,对方对于自己的记忆也同时消失,自己也失去了当神仙的机会,也许爱情是伟大的。她的任务是派1块钱给这个男人,[一块钱能做什么啊?] 如果一块钱能换来一场幸福,那么在过程即使经历了忘记与失去,我想也是值得的,冥冥中注定了,那一块钱是换一场幸福。 快乐与幸福很简单吧。也那么的让人羡慕 到 杨千华 的部分,一个任劳任怨毫不起眼的女生与这一股坚定的信念,她说世界上有两种人,一种是 [ 失败了不懂的反省的人 ] 和 [ 只要一直努力,刻苦耐劳就能成功的人] 。 偶尔好胜的我真的没办法接受失败,可是怎么才算失败啊?人生最后的destination莫过于死亡,那么还有什么比死亡更恐怖呢?人比人=人逼人,一山还有一山高,再怎么厉害都是被取代的,我何必看得那么紧呢? 说穿了,输不起 。 曾经有个朋友对我的comment是太吵了,老是一大堆道理,可是所谓的道理,不过是一些很私人的想法,因为心直口快,也得罪了别人。我对这些人际关系实在太不明白了。学会了说话不说得没有空间,学会了心里的疙瘩是会形成一种隔墙,学会了不...

first day of coll life

Finally start school already, even i am feeling like 不去上课很闷,去上课又很闲,but then, attend class is better. At least is more 热闹咯!! as usual lo. we all had agree to wear black [o.k.u family], during those old days when we requested to wear uniform we were wishing to wear own house wear, when now we get the chance to free wear, we go deal with what to wear to look alike...女人啊。。真是三心两意,so do the guys, coz they followed us too! the lecture start with Mr.Tan, a very funny lecturer, thanks godness he is my tutor as well! he was goes through with his own experience in retail industry, countable figure on salary and also the profit of those retailer. anyway i dun feel any boring in this units so far on first day. because i started my class with a box of Strawberry!! yummy yummy =] *so much satisfied with nasi lemak and strawberry in the first day school! love it!! next continued with the Company Law, oh my godness, she is so much lame with lame jokesssss..what a joker she is! Xp, anyway i can easily u...

happy happy cny

what a nice day finally i can rest at home =] sounds like i am totally busy in this chinese new year . well as usual, the reunion night i went back to balakong for dinner with all relatives =] this time i managed to jokes around with my aunts and catchup some caring and talks with my niece and nephews..and of coz never left out angpauS well suppose the first day shouldn't back to mum's side but we are too bored so decided went there for a visit, anyway we were end up with the Sentosa's KFC and Desa Park City's Secret Recipe, like cheras got no where else has KFC and Secret Recipe. > For the second days , i am so tired to went out, so i had rejected Peggy darl invitation for movie.Yet i had invited her to come my place for a visit. Both of us were had nap together BUT Lim, Ka v, Song, and Kahtie were visited me around evening. Where we were not ready and not in [nice] appearance > Third day , suppose to bai nian at the guys' house, and also the lantern @ 东禅峙 ...


昨晚 很开心。因为 终于忙完我的工作了! 不算太遭,因为认识了一班很可爱的朋友=](大部分小过我 =[ ) 这次工作经验,如果用开心与不开心来衡量,那么我想 开心>不开心 嘻嘻。 工作上的沟通,帮忙,让我看到了人际关系很重要 同时也上了一堂 做人的课,口才上与胆量希望能因为这次的经验 而变得更好 其实我不是做什么不见的人的事拉。。我是在maluri jusco当promoter,派sampling. 昨晚是最后一晚, 跟同事们相约吃饭,渡过了最后一个[break] 忘不了的感激, 忘不了的陪伴 忘不了的笑声 忘不了 我认识依然单纯的你们 让我工作上 不会有压力 最后要感激peggy & ky来接我下班咯!! 嘻嘻。。我太爱你们了。。(我自己都想吐) 不过 最最最 好笑的是~~~~睡觉时的笑话!!(这是我们的秘密) 在虎年 来临之前。。。我有了这些美好回忆 让我为过去有个总结。 感激你们!新年快乐 恭喜发财 学业猛进 龙马精神 万事顺利 生意兴隆 一本万利 旗开得胜 万事生意 财源滚滚 有情人终情眷属 。 。 。 。 。 。 好了。。。 重点是!!!!! 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 红包拿来!!!! XD 醒来第一个就想你了。也看到你的信息


finally i got time to sit down and write my post as what i use to do. i have tons of words need to express here and worth to write down to leave footprints. Ignore my working experience, every sem breaks i will get a part time job. A credit for peggy helping me on my first day, if not i could be a super mess day! haha..thanks darl! follow up with few days in works, BUT 1 thing never forget!!! her birthday!yeap..PEGGY's turn...'0702' she tot i am working noon shift as what i told her bout my work. unfortunately she never knew Sunday is an exception!Morning shift!!! I was so much excited and cant wait to wish her [happy birthday] but as what we deal , pretend like forget, pretend like dunno. pretend like i am so muchhhh busy..haha.. i was at home around 7something,we(th,ryan,ky,me) were departed from house around 10pm.before that she was on9 chatting with me. i can only bluff her because work done early so went home early.and i got to sleep early as i am freaking tired. oo...