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Showing posts from October, 2009

she is ??

i am watching over you! lolz...just wanna let you all see my big big eyes ..haha...not really, just the miracle make up create for girl =] could u see which is bigger?? it is more obvious that the right eye is bigger than the left right? hehe... what should i post? i dunno...i wasn't straight back home after class on wednesday , went for movie with peggy and taihoong , cloudy with a chance of meatballs , what a funny movie but some character in the movie do make me sick! Mostly the chicken... Today, i was so tired and i wore glass to school. I have been not wearing the glass to school since this semester start! i am so shy to put my glass on, because i look ugly with my new glass ... see! i am not fooling. kahyan said she has a long time din see me with spectacles chengkai always wanna me put on the glass..haha, he skipped the class and he cant see it =p okay, back to my topic, after class 1pm, we were headed to terminal putra to buy ticket to genting on 3/11/09 excit...


我们有时会期待别人为我们做点什么的,所以我们会对别人好,让别人对自己好。 如果有一天,姐妹们遇上 懂你好的人才对你好 , 请你抓住这幸福好吗? ********* 一通电话, 结束了他们的感情 该笑他们儿戏还是怒骂他们的不珍惜? 两个人的分开, 是场梦的寻觅还是故事的开始? 偶尔的碰到,故意的碰到 换来沉默的场面。。心里还有他吗? ******* 也许我们寻觅过程中,会忽略了身边的人 殊不知哪天, 身边的人成了我们心上人 压抑不了的暗恋,朋友的嘲笑成了明恋 冰人的美,君子的意 哪怕那不过是场梦 ****** 曾经心里也许会有那么一个人占居 以为忘不了 以为只有那么一个人适合继续在心里 当有一天,不经意的发现 其实那早已没有任何占居的痕迹 ********* 沉默的等待 伤口的疤痕 不逻辑的理由 断不了的思念纠缠 别问为什么 *************** 其实很多时候因为一个人 我们的决定会被影响 以为逃避,以为跟随,那会是一辈子 笑脸背后隐藏的伤痛 不想被伤害不想被遗弃 放弃了勇敢。。还是对的人还未出现?

forgive me

BEWARE OF THIS GIRL   getting lesser and lesser motivation to post any article. because clearly in my heart something is changing. Meihang commented on me that i start to behave [cold],erm, what should i response? i having a complicated mood now. Sound like there is lot things in my heart... My friendship is bothering me now, i gonna be stupid as i am not willing to tolerate but i wish HE can take the first move. I don't know what had happen between us, the friendship which is for years after a short holiday, is like drop to the freezing point. I had cried once for it,as i felt that the friendship is gone. I talk to no one bout this mater, i don't wanna people ask me anything. All i could do is continue my way? Is it the god taken away my friendship and wake me up to realize how greatness i am with my family? my parent renovated my room with their own D.I.Y, it was really surprise me when i arrived home, my room was totally different. Laying on the bed, i felt great at that ...


Finally she get her result! It was nervous as she was kinda afraid to see any C- So far the poorest result in her record is B- For sure still get A for certain units. This time performance may kinda different with before but she is not going to use relationship problem as reason Take is as a lesson and be more concentrate on next papers! She can make it! =p

she is

Recently or lately or so far i found something about myself. I am trying to keep a distance with people, mostly guys , i clearly know what is going on with this idea, but for me it is a good news, because i am asking perfect, no one would meet my require for now. Okay, just ignore whether guy or girl, i get such feeling ' not even a fuck to deserve ' (i know i am rude, sorry) , what make me feel this way? is a long long story (lame!!!) The story begin with no one is perfect, so for certain reason, certain people make me feel annoying , anyway it is non of my business , but people are a creature born with different feelings,different behaviors and attitude. So, of cause certain unvoiced mind would turn us to behave in certain manner rather than make things worst. 'i don't give a damn on it ', when people treat me cold or not even bother me, what for i go 'gehpo' forcing myself to show the fake smiling to them? So it is better not to do anything ri...


经过一场风雪后,我努力在等待属于自己的春天。我不介意继续在这秋天里独自一人悉数枫叶,我不知道我会冬眠多久才能迎接春天,未来的你也许在明天我会遇见,也许在某个时间我们会擦肩而过,如果那么一天,你遇见了我,请你把花儿都染红,让大地恢复它的春意可以吗? 未来的你,请你好好安抚我那一受伤的心可以吗?我不需要你的甜言蜜语,请你对我老实 未来的你,请你让让我那别扭的脾气,因为我希望你能哄孩子般安抚我那暴躁的性格 未来的你,请你紧牵我的手,在热闹人群中穿梭,在陌生地方给我方向 未来的你,请你拥有健康的体魄,这样你才能保护我 未来的你,请你有耐心听我说的每句话,因为我是独生女,我喜欢有人陪我说说话 未来的你,请你原谅我的幼稚,因为对外面的世界我还是充满憧憬 未来的你,请你偶尔扮演大人的角色,引领我在这花花世界 未来的你,请你偶尔也扮演小孩子,让我能发挥我的母爱疼惜你对我的爱 未来的你,请你偶尔也扮演我的姐妹淘,让我对你诉说我的心事 未来的你,请你扮演我一辈子的伴侣,一同迈进生命的最后旅程 未来的你,请你拥有记忆超好的脑袋,但只记得我对你的好我对你的爱我们所有的纪念日 未来的你,请你拥有那么一颗心,一颗只能融入我的心 未来的你,请你拥有一双有力的臂弯,帮我提提包包什么的 未来的你,请你拥有宽阔的胸膛,让我能依偎你怀里 未来的你,请你拥有模特儿的身高,在人群中我能轻易看见你 未来的你,请你拥有冷静的思维,因为我是个很冲动的人 现在的我,也努力学会打扮自己,因为我要变成你眼中的唯一 现在的我,会努力增加自己的学识,因为我不想当个花瓶 现在的我,会努力控制自己的脾气,因为我不希望你觉得跟我一起会难过 现在的我,会努力学会替别人着想,我不想在你眼里我是任性的 现在的我,会努力学会珍惜与付出,因为感情是需要我们的努力,不是单方面的 现在的我,会等待未来的泥,让我们携手共谱属于我们的故事,抹去过去我的伤痕,让我挂上幸福的笑容。 未来的你,现在的我正耐心等待你的出现。。。

she is with her gals

i am really lazy to update my blog... anyway i feel like wanna share my happiness =] let pics talk nia... went to sushi king for the Rm2 per plate. no one will resist it. right ?? Xp but the most happy time will be eat with your best gal, it is awesome! i love her =] went to look out point with lailai in the noon, get a peace heart there =] i like the peace feeling and also the good time sharing life and talk for the whole noon.we should make it more, i love you.

girl of the day

Today i was skipped the 2 lectures class *guilty-ing* by the way i was attending a grooming class around 3pm organize by Clinique =] we learned the important steps for daily skin care, make up for future interview section =p. Recently i start to make up, i dunno how i start to addict with it, but i just feel, when i put on make up, i can cover everything,even the bad mood. Well before the grooming class, me and mh had participated in a shooting section, it is so much fun. The make up artist will make up for you and take photo. I guess i am too much not being myself. Do you agree with me?

she love you

**delayed post** oops sorry =] should be very in mood to write my precious memories with my babes, as time goes by the mood start to decrease already, haha. I guess everyone should be very 'sienz' with my pictures as on Saturday we took lot lot pictures. Even myself also feel how can we taking so much pictures within few hours! haha . **letter to my dear friends(past,current,present) I treasure u guys lot. Without you all in my life. My secondary life might be different with what the history had written down. Each time gathering with you all, i will make sure myself to be there, i am not wanna to miss out any smiling pieces in you all face. It is so warm to see you all again after months =] Lucky, we never far apart even we are in physically =) Life really goes not exactly what we expected, you guys once come into my life i feel sweet whereby right exactly now i feel down.Friends mean alot to me. I see you all supporting me, caring me, but why out there, there are friends could...
the times changed friendship always last forever =]
我以为自己很坚强,每次的眼泪告诉自己那是最后一次。 到底为了什么哭泣呢?心痛的是什么呢?现在回想起,我其实应该不是那么差。对吗?爱一个字, 代表了什么?承诺吗?一生的厮守吗? 一个人太孤单,两个人却嫌有点吵闹 。 以为自己会站不起来, 原来身边很多事物都在给与我最大的支持,一直努力的往前走,即使知道自己根本还在原地踏步。 我并没有那么的伟大去原谅与忘记 [ Forgive and Forget], 只是我还能做什么呢?伤害留下疤痕了, 告诉自己下一段会更好,也相信那会使更好,因为在自己心中设立一道墙。 偶尔我会耐不住寂寞与孤单,宁愿选择一直跟朋友往外跑,宁愿在家里么猛上线,不聊天, 一直在线上玩些小游戏,宁愿一个人在外独自逛街喝茶。 只想不要让自己一个人在家里,让思绪打扰我。 我依然会睡不着, 半夜里,点燃香精,独自在书桌上看书直到眼皮沉重。有时我会找朋友聊电话,一聊就好几个小时, 因为我不要空气里只有自己与空气对话。不知不觉中发现自己很容易陷入空白。有时跟朋友聊天,聊下聊下, 自己突然没有注意听朋友说的话,世界突然很宁静,那看似很无礼,但我也会享受那么短暂的慌神。 如果发现我突然变得沉默,可以拉我一把吗? 跟我说说话, 让我从宁静的世界回到这原本喧闹的世界。不要跟我说什么道理了,请带我进入快乐游乐场, 我想在那旋转木马上高低高低的看看这花花世界, 做那过山车,疯狂的把心中一些喊出来。 只希望在流泪时,有人为我擦拭眼泪 只希望在难过时,有人给我一个拥抱 只希望在快乐时,有人陪我一起笑 只希望在无助时,有人伸手拉我 只希望在无聊时,有人能逗我笑 只希望未来的他,不会给我任何的伤害

a little update

Finally start again my college life. I wish it really can fill up my life. Met again my classmate, course-mate.I don't think is any big changes for everyone =], nothing much wanna blog about it. As it is really a kinda boring topic. My cousin brother back to Malaysia from London..Welcome back *claps* Nothing much changes on him, slimmer??haha..he bought me a watch OASIS, my aunty also bought me few present back from Beijing. Let pics talk okay? =] Grab nice meals with friends=] Sunway, Pommes Frites, i love the salad and garlic bread! Will be going next time. Pavillion, Sakae sushi, again i am with MeiHang in Japanese restaurant. We love sushi?She love Ramen, but i love sushi!haha =] Actually during the long holiday, i should hang out with MeiHang, but always couldn't make it. At least we did hanged on the phone, so when we meet up we wont be too much topic, because every time we have countless topic. Thanks Tarc let me meet up with MeiHang. She is another girl i love after my ...
日子闷闷的 自己开始变得宅宅的 我期待快点开学 能让我沉浸在那热闹的世界里 起码我知道我没有太多的空闲 打工结束后,期待会是很好玩的假期 却没想到自己生病了 在痊愈后 突然地停下脚步让自己真得很不习惯 我是否错过任何的风景了吗? 莫名的情绪涌上了心头 我在想什么? 我再等什么? 回首那些已经挽留不急的过去 我有点眷念, 原来青春正绽放着 回忆过去 我喜欢那自然的笑容 我喜欢那纯朴的脸蛋 我喜欢那颗简单的心 我想在草原上奔跑 我想要跟那群蝴蝶一起飞舞 我想。。。 开着msn, 发现好像没有几位朋友能聊 半夜睡不着, phonebook上却找不到那些能陪我入睡 朋友贵在于质 曾经的玩伴, 曾经的姐妹 曾经的曾经 也不过是曾经 没什么好去留念 在跑道上 我好像只顾自己的前方忽略身旁的风景 现在,是时候 我等待下段风景


So glad that i was FFK by someone today =], if not for sure i will never met with what had happened on today! =p Once i woke up, i started do mask, it been a long time i never do mask. I found out my skin was in poor condition. I continued with my manicure =] waiting SookHui to pick me up to Sunway because she has class around noon. Once i arrived there, i start my lonely shopping, it should sound a little sad, being alone, but i started feel it was fun because you can go in any shop with the FULL CASH! Bought jacket, white in color! MY FAVORITE =] i guess i was in luck, i got discount for the jacket, so with low price my need was satisfied! I get a shirt to my dad too. Sunway not really much people today, weekdays, everyone need work =] It really nice to hang around where there is not much crowded. Get some little accessories, of cause i did bought to SookHui , thanks for gave me a ride =] The last shop i stopped by was VOIR. There was quite lot discount over there. Finally i was a...