finally thats the end of my year1 in diploma...
walao feel so bit bit not willing to get into yr 2 leh
allo..touch wood leh!muz get to yr 2...if not kena marah leh~haha
and the days start to count down when i should leave..sigh...
ok...erm..last day of the sem 3 in the lecture hall with the name of yr1..
get the last capture of my frenz..not much,jus 2 pic...
yong..seems like every sem oso have his best fren ma!
he is G hoe..dunno how to spell la..promotin MH de beg??!
the last lecture is Oganistion Behavior...
after the class,fatt fetched me to leisure mall to eat sushi king...
yet,steven,ryan,fatt,sam and jimmy there were 1 gang to eat together
they ate more thn 30 plate of sushi!
while i am with my fren,2 ppl just 13 plate like that..
satisfy with the sushi king promotion!
hopefully next time can go with lot frenz thn oli nice ma!
but oli can 5 ppl with 1 member card lo~sigh~~
what a good ending for the yr 1 with the sushi king~haha...
walao feel so bit bit not willing to get into yr 2 leh
allo..touch wood leh!muz get to yr 2...if not kena marah leh~haha
and the days start to count down when i should leave..sigh...
ok...erm..last day of the sem 3 in the lecture hall with the name of yr1..
get the last capture of my frenz..not much,jus 2 pic...
the last lecture is Oganistion Behavior...
after the class,fatt fetched me to leisure mall to eat sushi king...
yet,steven,ryan,fatt,sam and jimmy there were 1 gang to eat together
they ate more thn 30 plate of sushi!
while i am with my fren,2 ppl just 13 plate like that..
satisfy with the sushi king promotion!
hopefully next time can go with lot frenz thn oli nice ma!
but oli can 5 ppl with 1 member card lo~sigh~~
what a good ending for the yr 1 with the sushi king~haha...