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H@P[P]¥ BEzd@y

recently my frenz keep asking me hanging out
asking me where to go celebrate my bezday
yea,i do wish to celebrate with my frenz~~
no 1 would like to be alone
mostly in this 18 years old~~
it sound so special to me..a new turn point for me
and yet...i decided to tell them~
why not juz has a dinner...simple can be happy too!
so...thx lot to the mr.fatt and mr.chris!!haha..
thy bought me a bear and a pair of the hand phone accessories on wednesday~
andox from fatt + yung
牛牛 from fatt & yung

thursday he was busy keep inviting friends going for a steamboat dinner~
but as what i told him,don tell ppl is my bezday~
coz i don wan ppl come just because my fren,going to eat together ,have fun~~
and yet,xiao san and connie(which i know on that day de are coming join us~~
it was because,in the afternoon.xiao san told me to go out while waiting the others after 5pm
so i join her group de people went out to jusco~~that how i know ms.connie~~
after that,we back to jusco,coz those guyz wan to watch the badminton match~~
and me go find lexson~~watching him dance~~sometimes go badminton ~~~till 5 like tat,his dance end...but dunno why fatt them not yet done their 4 of us...connie,xiao san ,lexson and me chit chat around~~hehe~~
till 6pm...thy came to fecth us lo~
jc and fatt thy brg their car~~
we start our journey to wangsa maju lo~~steamboat buffet~~
(why i am the camera gal)here are them who came join the dinner~~~

me and lexson~
tweety, me, chee phung~~^^
we all having lot of fun~~even jus few of us..and all almost can say is know on that day~
but all because of me knowing each other,i feel touch~~
wihtout our notices..
suddenly tweety and chi phunk were there around 7 ++ like tat~~
thy sit till 8pm like that got to back liao~~but watever reason it is~i m happy their present^^
eating with them really~~~~oh my god!!!!!!jc keep put food in my bowl,and i keep transfer those food to lexson de bowl~~haha..make lexson keep beg jc don put anymore!!haha...
thy manage to eat a lot ~~keep go out take again and again~~
the guy was playing with the egg@@
yung the very cham guy~~he is our waiter~~haha.
go out waiting for satay and the'bbq chicken wing'...serve us tea,ice-cream~~~sorry a~~
untill 9++ thy stop to take any again~~but....suddenly,bezday song was sang,lexson taking a cake come in!
gosh....touching la...hehe~~
***some pic will update soon~~

and for sure,i make a wish~
this time i din make anymore as previous i use to wish every year~
at 10pm we pay the bill~~because we are tarcian,each get 5%discount~~
the around rm 150 ba~~~coz thy treat me leh~~paiseh la~~
they busy planing,using money lot on me~~~

thx jc and fatt fecth my frenz home~~

what make me more happy is
they all because of me
plan the celebration together
having fun
sitting together
knowing each other
i love u guyz!!!!!

*jc are our best fren
*fatt say..once in a year
*they say,as long as you are happy

**i say,knowing u guyz
i am the happiest best fren!!!
you all are
NOBODY but turn to


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