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Showing posts from October, 2012


在《我可能不会爱你》有50项初老症,来做个自我检查,有哪一些已经悄悄的融入了自己的世界。        01、枕头旁边,电脑键盘旁边,出现一堆万金油、白花油、绿油精等提神药方。                     我已经习惯了驱风油在我的包包,在我的电脑旁边了                          02、只要坐下来,小腹就有一摊肉。               这个,不用怕,并没有很大块   03、莫名其妙就会一大早醒过来。               依然能睡到日晒三竿   04、躺在沙发看八点档连续剧30分钟就会开始熟睡。                     还有精力继续追戏啊!我还年轻哦。。   05、对于没有结论的冗长会议充满厌恶。                    说重点拜托!别浪费时间啊!   06、觉得自己快要被一堆密码淹没了!                    刚要登入这里的时候,已经试过N次的密码组了 =(   07、对于年轻朋友不让座这件事情会非常介意。                     还好啦    08、对于磁场不对的人,可以毫无牵挂的跟她说再见、再见、再见……             ...

mobile.upload! the first time using the mobile to write my blog. This gonna b much more convenience for me from time to time to update blog with more pictures! woohooo... hmmmm ok, back to my blog.. boyfans had met with my family(mum's side), have quite good comment on him . he spend weekend time with my parents eventa or come to my house prepare dinner togethet with me for parent. Yes, absolutely this is what i wish for the weekend dating. okay i know it is too bored but i do love spending time with family. We can share the time and laughings together. the way we build our rs is without any rules(doesnt mean u can do whatever u like but b more discipline as u know what u should do as a gf). he put lot trust on me, believing in me n of cause does not question bout my past and comparing me with any other female creatures. i simply love his simplicity n everythg of him is under the sun without any hesitation from me. thanks to boyfans giving me such a piece ...

falling in love again! =)

Nothing to reveal my life recently, as i just back not long ago, around 1 week plus.  an old friend told me about this, 'if i can give u one of my ability, i wish it is how special you are in my eyes.' okay, i admit this is the most lovely, sweetest sentences i heard and dedicated to me! an old friend, been times criticized me for not understanding/knowing what love is or perhaps i may have a preview bout it before, but not deeply and fully understand it.  this been hunting me for months, and today, i still not understand or knowing what love is, but when i start to think from his point of view, when i start to be soft and respect the way he is, and of cause, the way he smile make me smile wider than he is, i know i am fall to this guy.  okay, i admit i have hot temper, never wanna explain for a simple things for times, this will run out of my toleration; never delay what i request as i always impatient. i always cant make appropriate decision as i keep wor...