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Showing posts from September, 2011


不知为何,我总是有着这么的想法,吵架是为了让对方重视我的坚决我的立场 妈妈说过,吵架要比别人大声,那么你即使输人不输阵。 最普片的吵架就是你跟父母吵架 他们反对你做某些事情,你坚决你的想法;他们怪你不懂事,任性;你认为他们不懂得尊敬你,结果你们从原本的轻声细语,三句后变成火势熊熊。最后你基于他们是父母,只能把脚一踢,房门‘砰’的一声锁上了。 锁上的不是那么一道门而是你们之间的关系,突然设上一扇门。 门的背后,你抱着那多年陪伴你的抱枕,陶陶大哭,不解为什么他们不能遵照你的意思,无奈你是否该放弃自己的决定。门的另一面,是那碎心的父母,像是千百个刀痕一刀一刀慢慢的切下去,像切三文鱼一样,慢慢的,那种痛心,心里想着,哪个为人父母不想把最好的留给孩子,自己做错了什么,换来孩子的不孝。 通常这种吵架,可能会冷战好几天,不需要你去哄你去想办法把门给拆了。像是流星般的,突然一眨眼不见了;好几天前的水火不容,现在却像是阴阳那么的协调。你慢慢用温和的行动与态度,或者不动声色的继续你的坚持,只是多了一份顾虑,顾及两老的意思,希望两老能慢慢接纳。父母也为了让孩子得到幸福与快乐,也试着去接纳。两方,都各让一步。 前头的吵架有点无味,何必要伤害大家后再一同为对方着想呢? ‘ 吵架是一门沟通么? ’ 一对情侣在电话里头突然吵了起来。 女的埋怨男的没时间陪她,一个晚餐也办不到 男的连声道歉解释工作忙,课业忙,抽不了时间 女的继续数落男的不用心不花时间给女生 男的觉得事实被夸大,无数罪名突然抗在肩上 女的开始心碎于自己在男的心中一点地位都没有 男的惊奇女的过分多想 女的猜疑男不在乎自己,变心了 男的觉得女的野蛮不讲理 突然那个在自己心中像是天使般温柔的模样变成一个长着两个长长尖尖虎牙的魔鬼 两个都觉的对方不明白自己,不体谅自己 曾经聊电话时的那种温柔语气,换来雷声轰轰, 甜蜜笑容 如今却是 憎恨眼神。 说好挂电话前一定要说,我爱你,我想念你。 现在只剩一句,我们都冷静吧。。嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟~~~~~~ 女的眼泪狂流,拨电话给姐妹淘,数落男的不是 男的无奈为何把事情搞到这种地步,继续手上的忙碌。 结局有两种可能 1- 其中一方主动去找另一方,甜言蜜语,浪漫约会还有男人最擅长女人最爱听的 谎言 诺言。 2-因为碍于面子...

think positively.

Cough badly this few days, situation is worst. Expecting good people may get me any cough medicine or sweets *dreaming* Plan to get myself some medicine while i am on the way for later class, But whose know daddy go down get me those cough sweets instead of any medicine whether in liquid or pill forms. *he know me well i wont take those no matter how badly my cough is* His little warm action tell me he loves me, because he same with me,lazy go down after at home. hmm...anyway, he make me think of 2 Mr.Wrong, They did deliver me those herbal drinks, 100plus and cough medicine in the past, What if i still with either one of them, perhaps i may too rely on them, need them to take care me *although now i still need people cares,i m not strong and independence enough =(* ok, take this as opportunity to learn and grow no one can take care me forever, i am not baby anymore. okay people,got to out for class, arghh hopefully buses still available, i don wan take cab!!! =X


like all the wrong format, wrong setting, just click 'reset' everything will turn get back into like out from the factory. what if there is a reset button on u, will u click it and reset everything once again? be with the girl who u really love enter into the business which u really wanted to try speak the words that u dare not to speak ...consequence is that you may not meet the one u meet now, you may not have what you have now. What if? ha, i love this words alot, what if? i remember there is a question, i haven't answer yet, How you  let go your past love ? i know the meaning behind, if i can make it, for sure, in future, i can make it too.. every Mr.Wrong exits in my life, i put them in the bottom of my heart, like a locked box,i will not touch it,of course, in the process, i will go through all the so call sadness, tears,behaving like he is the only man i want. yes i believe time can change a person, every time when i think of i will not meet Mr.Future...

life is wonderful

今天虽然得忍受每个月必须经历的痛苦 今天虽然为了自己明天要开始忙碌的生活有点无奈 但是心情还是好好的 可能看了朋友的blog吧,里头他对暗恋女生的对话,看了,我也觉得甜丝丝的 可能自己懂得位置在哪,开始对自己追求的有点眉目了 可能还不确定自己是否能承受现在自己种下的因,我相信karma. 但是我还是尽量让自己保持开朗的心 因为他说我开朗了。 不知道他还有没有追我的blog了呢? 想念以前我们总是能一起聊天的日子 现在,他忙着陪女朋友了,我们的gathering一次又一次被延后 最后一次见面,是在他家,他的生日会 时间走了,人来人往在我的世界里 但愿有天,承诺与我相守到下辈子的人能实现今世的诺言。 我的16号爱人,送你rhythm of love-plain white t's.. we may only have tonight but till the morning sun you're mine 就想当天我们一起看星星看烟花一样 属于我们


Facebook having new layout which i am not familiar with and not into it :(, Blogspot having new layout but it is user friendly. Weibo having new layout too.. arghh, i don wanna change with the things that i am familiar with, because i really don like changes XD. Guess i will less lepak around in fb d! Now left twitter, so please don change dear Twitter.. hmmm.. My sem break left 2 days and i gonna start with busy new sem which consists night class for 3 days! And early morning class as well, lucky Friday and Saturday just 1 class, at least not that much fatigue right? Always think from the bright side although classes are 6 days a week, morning till night that terrible! Pray hard i can utilised my long break hours of up to 5 hours for some studies and revision, because death or live is about this coming new semester =( Recently i do really tired, time flies, i cant remember well what i have done for the past 3 weeks. hmmm, first week most my time are spend with my mummy. Second ...
I thought after months, i can start get used to the time whenever you are not with me. Yes, sometime, i can if i am in the middle of something; but sometime not. okay, i admit most of the time i just too emotional instead of using my brain when i have problem. Although i don't like it much u may comment, "that is the teens nowadays" or something like "girls always like that". But u still use your wisdom teach me and lead me to solve the tiny problem in your eyes. i told you, all this long moment, I don't have any surprises from you, but you always get mine 惊instead of 喜。Okay at last we both agree on a same decision, i love to discuss , make things clear with you and let you know how i think instead of expecting you may work out something for me, because communications and trust are the credit we holding on hands rely on each. i love a lot, through the phone, i can hear the voice i miss so long, and the laugh, make me feel even better. We may not meet t...


Guys may think girls really cari pasal, really naive, really childish, but believe or not, girls are always concern on their friendship, this is a natural phenomena. I have a friend, i am not sure how many members are in her group, but the bond of their friendship, their cares, their loves, do make me feel that is girls' friendship about! That is why always, when girls stick together, we have topic-less to chat about, from personal life routine, work, family, love, everything like no hiden under the sun! okay, i have conflict with karen, not exactly conflict, but some how a bad feeling. which friendship never have some hard time huh? As usual, i know her too well until i can predict all her response (mayb i shall become a predictor ), i love her in no reason and of cause don wanna let anyone ruin this friendship silently! (Gods know who i am talking here). I have no way to release all my sadness and frust, and i know myself well, once i use my mouth to speak, it may hurt her....

a summary of my first week

for those who follow my blogs from years back, definitely can read some post about my freelance or part time job. Oops, sorry this year and during this sem break, i am not going for any jobs. okay, i admit i didn't really look for any jobs like how i did before. (i used to look for jobs before the exam start) and this round, i have put all my effort in revisions instead of jobs. Probably because, is Year 2, is my final year, next sem will be my last sem in Tarc! i cant afford to fail any subject although i did in Year 1 but definitely not in Year 2, learn from the mistake right!? my holiday aint pack with any plans of outing, or even a short trip. i thought this gonna be a boring a long holiday for me as i can be end up doing nothing at all! but the truth is, not really~ i admit i have a hard time at the first week, as majority of the human being in this Malaysia land probably enjoying the 3public holidays. Well, some may even apply leave early could be enjoying 5 days ho...