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Showing posts from August, 2011


not going to write a long post like doing my assignments not going to wake up early for revision not going to hide myself inside the bedroom with books and notes not going to talk less with human like it will wasting time for study i am going for movies! i am going for gatherings! i am going for parties! i am going for shopping! i am going to play TheSim in facebook! i am going to daydream! i am going for everything just to set myself free from anything I S  H O L I D A Y S S S S .......

i carry your heart.

女孩,懵懂期待未来有一个男人能给她一个家 她 期待 一场简单的婚礼,不需要太传统,相熟的亲友一起吃个饭,简单的仪式让她接受生命的另一个阶段 女孩 问男孩 :我们以后会结婚吗? 男孩信心满满的回答 : 会的,会很幸福 后来男孩跟女孩各自奔驰在自己的人生轨道,交叉线渐渐远行了 女孩 在半途 又遇到一个男孩,她又问 :我们会结婚的吗? 男孩 笑着回答 :走吧! 男孩跟女孩慢慢渐行渐远了。 一路跌跌撞撞,相信一定会有个男孩愿意照顾她一辈子,愿意让她参与他的世界。 像是从来没有伤心过,没有跌倒过,坚信属于自己的在某个转角。 她不再去问了,她害怕诺言会像泡泡一样的破灭 女孩 坦克 的 问男孩‘ 我会是你最后的女朋友吗?你会娶我吗?’ 男孩 沉默了一下 微笑的回答 ‘会的’ 过后 男孩离开了女孩。没有一句道别 女孩忘了 从来安全感是自己给与自己的 她习惯从男孩身上得到肯定 得到赞许 她习惯一味的去信任会得到真诚 她习惯所有的联系是爱的行动 她爱甜言蜜语更爱行动证明爱的存在 当她陷入爱的漩涡 无止境的 奋不顾身的 那个伤口像是溃烂似的 用美丽的妆容补盖遮掩 时间久了 妆溶化了 曲终人散了 不怪谁负心 只是有人比她离席的早 不再自欺欺人 一味相信爱情没有改变过 感觉没有减退过 懂得爱人之前 请 懂得怎么爱自己 95个月后是否 感觉还在 爱情还在 诺言是否会被实现? here is the deepest secret nobody knows here is the root of the root  and  the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;  which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart i carry your heart  i carry it in my heart by    EE Cummings  


小三这个词,广为流传,还不是因为《犀利人妻》这部戏。 印象最深的是,爱情里只有不被爱的是小三。看这套戏的朋友肯定比我更了解这句话是哪个角色说的,因为本人没看完,从来我不喜欢太过耍手段得到爱情的戏码。 一段感情,出现第三者,真的是因为第三者的错吗?不过请记住一个巴掌是打不响的,不能 只是 怪罪于其中一方。当然,身为局外人,有时候又有什么资格出声呢? 不是当局者,想法,情绪,真的无法体会。 我是容许身边那个人出轨的,但是就是别让我知道。不要问我为什么那么傻,我不知道。可能认为,只要对方会回来,那么为什么不要睁一只眼闭一只眼呢?当然,我不希望会发生。因为一旦我的信任被abuse了,我不会再去相信。 很简单,我曾经百分之一的相信,付出我的爱,如果你abuse这些love as granted,我没必要给与第二次。当我同意分手的时候,那是因为,伤害我的quota已经满了,再接下去,我只会崩溃也变成犯贱。over我的boundaries,you are not worth for anything. 如果问我,是否真的有小三过,我不知道,也不确定。因为,那是在分手后,后来听到的故事。既然分手了,真相是什么不重要了,因为都分了。当然在某男士提分手的时候,第三者曾经也是分手的理由。 有时候我宁愿分手的理由是,不爱了。那么我会很自然放掉这段感情,好过用不同的借口来美化自己。都分了,为什么还要虚伪呢? 小三为什么心甘情愿的做人小三。原因不外乎她认为这男人爱的只有她,家里的老婆早就没有感情,还没离婚只因为要给小孩完整的家。等小孩大了,就会离婚,所以小三就一直等咯。(source from web) 是的,很真实啊,也很逻辑啊。 我还曾经看过更厉害的小三说, 留给他家的老婆生气,自己何必要那么辛苦? 爱到某个点,已经懂得要如何取舍,还是懂得这段感情不会有结果,所以就算了,不要计较太多,那位什么又要一起呢? 没有结局的爱情,为什么还要傻傻付出?难道真的曾经拥有真的是个belief? 当然在某些婚姻中夫妻二人老是吵架,曾经有一段婚姻,因为孩子不愿离婚,后来孩子长大了,变得叛逆,心痛的母亲心疼说因为孩子,她坚持不离婚,希望孩子在完整的家庭中长大。 岂料,孩子却说,他宁愿父母离婚,因为他想看到父母开心的模样。如果不懂得爱自己,那用什么来爱...


Every relationship start with the feeling of [LOVE] however, to maintain the relationship not only LOVE is needed there are lotsa patients, understanding, cares, actions,respect, etc taking into effect well, i am not a perfect lover, a good gf neither i always have my temper  and it hurts people who love me and i love too. he is the only 1 who critic me  yet the one still will leave me in future. would you propose me if there is 100th months with us? hmmmm..... addicted to Adele- someone like you i am try to comfort myself with all the positive thoughts my friend taught me [to let loose](看开) hmmm, i am learning too far to worry what come next but i will enjoy and appreciate every moment i am still holding who would know bittersweet taste sometime it last in love  but sometime it hurt instead.


Due to the busy preparation in exam, i getting out of time to catch up any yamchas, chattings, and fb,weibo, twitter..bla bla bla, i am just like nowadays teenage with all the advance technology, life getting busy with all this entertainment., okay, i know i should stop blogging too. However thanks to skype creator, who have create such a useful communication tool i can have a conference with my besties. Lotsa topics, gossips, cares we had missed out last week her bezday. oh ya, i know i didn't post out anything of her bezday! Well, something is about heart instead of putting on the table. so you know, we love you and this is no doubt! Best Friend Forever =) HAPPY BEZDAY TO MS.KAREN,SOOKHUI  i know u will love it in pink! Alright, back to the topic, ehhh, well there is stories i couldn't write out here, is our secret. Please respect me n my friends privacy k? We all agree that, growing older, isn't simple and easy like we were still a kid. We have to learn put on a...

the night...

the class ended at 7pm u were there waiting me with my favorite nasi lemak the wind blow in the night the night is simple only with the nasi lemak and mineral water yet it is so romantic because, i appreciate the simple i demand from u right now. Thanks for picking me up while u r rush for next activity.

be love, be safe, be together.

for some reason got to leave and head to the bright future and what we heard are  [for your future good] for some reason  the moment speak out this words the heart like break into pieces and pieces the memories flow in and out u know the next day both become stranger for some reason it is not only for your future good it not only just become stranger because u cant afford any hurt from the current u cant take it in the future where feelings grow stronger bonds between getting harder and harder for some reason time take control changes take effect BUT love never change to the worst to the best do not blame  why still the same person besides you after years because it is in the name of LOVE. I ALWAYS LOVE YOU MY DEAR. action speak louder than words lets work it out at least we both try!

sorry babe

another night i throw my madness to u giving lot excuses to pursue u back to your life that without me a night, i know i hurt-ed both of us blame on you and myself too i  am sorry sometime i may just out of control for my emotions because i deeply miss u here right now. can u hear me? in this moment,i need to be needed;i want to be wanted,i love to be loved