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Showing posts from June, 2011


宝贝不哭 爱情不是等你有空时才谈 爱人不是等你有空时才去关心 爱人不是等你有空时才去在乎 Never get too attached to anyone  because attachments leads to expectations  and  expectations leads to disappointments 


好无奈 无辜卷入一场小风波 明明台上的主角是我,为何却被调转了角色似的被奚落 明明舞台是我的,却为何被人侵犯,甚至霸占了呢? 我知道我的脾气对朋友一向来都是无所谓 但是如果真的碰到我的boundary 我真的会生气 都不关你事 为什么要生气呢? 立场不同 想法不一样 我也不想去解释 了解我的人是不用我解释,要我解释的都不明 何必呢? 再来,男与女之间的定义 所谓的definition 是有双重标志 女生看的是细节 那么男生呢? 折腾了一周 还得在我 忙着准备assignment & mid term test让这些来考验我的耐力 老天爷 你真的那么看得起我吗? 还是你们认为我真的能心平气和吗? 我难过 因为我在乎的 我执着的 其实在你眼里不过是小事 在我忘记男性的本能其中一项中 是 吸引异性 我忘了这一项 让妒忌随同我的心情变得更敏感 jealousy come along with love 感激 一切被解决 i will cut down just for you promise is promise once broken  u lost my trust token as well.


①最重要的是今天的心; ②别总自己跟自己过不去; ③用心做自己该做的事; ④别过于计较别人评价; ⑤每个人都有自己的活法; ⑥喜欢自己才拥抱生活; ⑦不必一味讨好别人; ⑧木已成舟便要顺其自然; ⑨暂时丢开烦心事; ⑩自己感觉幸福就是幸福。 你做到了吗? 曾经有人说过  在频临死亡的那一刻 我们必然会后悔5件事   我希望當初我有勇氣過自己真正想要的生活,而不是別人希望我過的 生活  我希望當初我沒有花這麼多精力在工作上 我希望當初我能有勇氣表達我的感受。 我希望當初我能和朋友保持聯繫。 我希望當初我能讓自己活過開心點。 真因为不知道明天的事,我把每一天当做最后一天那样的度过。 少不了,我爱你,我想你,因为害怕这是我对你说的最后一次 少不了,对不起,谢谢, 因为害怕自己无法做得更好 我愿意为你 忘记我的姓名 就算多一面停留在你怀里 失去世界也不可惜 我愿意为你被放逐天际 只要你真心 拿爱与我回应 我什么都愿意 王菲--我愿意


once a year father's day, what did u prepare? go out for a big meal? present such as?? as usual, i prepare cards. i make card alot for mother's day, father's day,parent bezday christmas although i m not a christian, bezday card for my gals, my bf(s), my lovey celebrations. i seldom make card for boys bezday. card means alot to me. because, i put all my wishes to the receiver when i m doing the card. i am not a creative girl i am not good in art work i don have the talent but i still will [thick face] do my best in preparing the card of course, putting effort as well. Because, i wish the best for them oops, sorry, the above is not the main point of me lets, continue my story dad is a traditional guy, he used to beat me with rotan, his belt whenever i m not being obedient  T__T although i m the only child, but when i was small, u can definitely always heard i screaming around okay, i admit i m very naughty, but...this is call 有性格!because, i have my o...


像个途人 不停在寻找下一个风景 每一站 一个故事 抵达一个无人国度 呆坐里头 看着瓦片一片一片铺上  那是恋人的拥抱 看着泥水与灰石搭建的外墙 那是恋人宽阔的手臂 看着门窗给装上 那是恋人的心门 搭建的是一个温暖的家 还是一个旅屋 答案揭晓 在那未来 而我选择继续呆在里头 等待建好的那一天 或许在还未见好前 我已踏上属于自己的下一段风景 未来是未知数。。。。


flash back my memory, i wonder why i could start up the fire with you. i m sorry my dearest. i was blaming on you, for not being as good as beginning, i was blaming on you, for all the advice you gave i ignored i was blaming on you, for nothing and nothing it been a pretty hard time for you as well i didn't speak 1 word with you, what am i thinking or feeling i ignore your thought, your mind, your feeling as well like a revenge, just want u to leave me alone maybe is longer than that, or maybe is more than that you quietly accepting all this thing while i am thinking i am alone for it. the long long message u sent me, it do hurt me lot you speaking the truth and the facts and always we know that, it hurts lot compare to those flowery excuses. you being tolerate with me i try to talk with you finally. my dearest, u and i knew it, it was the hard time, the first time . thanks, u did not give up on me, on us, on our faith yes, i believe, eventually we both will...

is my life, is about me me me!

i don mind people laughing on me  when i am alone when i have no partner with me when i have no a personal driver when i have to deal with everything alone when i have no physical shoulder to rely on i don mind people making jokes on my relationship status. i use to watch movie alone at home  with the PPS software enjoying the online free movies and dramas i use to play some little games through facebook i use to know friends status through the social network i use to shopping as well through all kind of online boutique i use to my msn only those few friends chatting with me  although in my msn list there are more than 10 people online-ing i use to surfing the net, get know the news of the world through forums, through online newswebsite i rely alot on internet instead of my phone because i don't own a smartphone which can carry functions like my pc can. mummy having 2 days off and finally i out from my house heading to somewhere  not my college nor my working pl...