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Showing posts from May, 2010


hmmm..i don't know how to describe you but ever i feel deeply inside me you the 1 i am most satisfy with compare with my past due to wanna get a law book from you i went to your house and without any further thought i was invited into your house and here i met wit your mum her great her voice her friendly remind me of our past just like how we met in past where her voice always rang next to my ear i never expect she would remember me ..hmmm.. we both standing there with very awkward situation until you open the gate with me we were keep teasing each like past oh NO~~~ I wanna forget the past and i should go with my way but we are going to meet often soon argh~~~~ promise myself ever and ever u will be the friend only to me happy bezday boy *sorry for not staying celebrate your day

i am saggitarius!

射手座的人充满童贞,几乎对任何事都充满好奇心。 2.射手座也是个无药可救(亚修....)的乐天派人物,有时乐观到令人觉得盲目的地步(就是亚修...)。 3.喜欢夸张,不论说话也好,做事的方法也好,都很夸张。尤其是对人生的理想,那绝对是「语不惊人死不休的」(一定就是亚修)。 4.射手座的人是相当有远见的人,可是却缺乏实践的意志力


advanced do sound serious like what the seniors said before, i can strongly feel the stress around me and wondering is it the pathway i am going to head on? Worst come to worst, it aint just about a paper but also the need to survive in this program because it [cum ICSA]. A professional body..but the point is, do i like it or interested with it? I asked seniors why choose this program and they said [for a better life] than a degree in B.ADMIN. the reality is too much materialistic, and we gonna die hard for it instead of not even bother a piece of it! WE COME FOR BREAD AND BUTTER... a sad case where study is no longer for knowledge but to survive. alright. i don wanna doubt my decision and just accept it die hard for a better result. once again...I MISS YOU ALL.. i will try to learn and be more independence with my life without you guys. time couldnt turn back and thanks for the good memories whereby could accompany me for another 2 years in the college! the story of today.. i accide...


lazy lazy lazy lazy i am to update my blog...=( 你曾说过你怎么不是我故事里头的主角 这次我让你如愿以偿 (感动吗?)呵呵。。=p 如果因为一时的失败 你距我们千里之外 那么这段友情有什么价值啊? 看着你难过 心中也替你不值 在高速公路 纵使你的油门踏得多快 在我们面前你那伪装的笑容 你那字字入骨的狠话 我想让你独处 默默去接受事实 无奈 你是我的好朋友 我愿意陪着你 请你要知道 当你独自难过流泪的时候 我们也在你身后默默地推你一把 让你向前继续走 当你独自闯荡迷失的未来 我们会在你左右扶着你 当你独自面对所有的挑战 我们会在前面给你加油打气 我老是说我的脑袋不好,记不了太多的事情 然而你对我的好 我不曾忘记 失恋你给与的陪伴,曲酒闹事你给予的保护安慰 寂寞无聊你给予的陪伴,出外旅行吃饭你给予的照顾 学业工作你给予的协助。。。 也许曾经太多的谣言对你不利 但是 请相信 我没有后悔认识你更珍惜你所做的一切 你问过我, 你和他, 谁比较重要 既然大家都是一家人 何必去计较呢? 习惯了你坐在我的右边 即使我们的另一边有着不同的风景 我们曾经多次差点闹翻脸 但是 随着你的离开 我 不能不承认 我舍不得你的离开 右边的位置空了 回家的路上少了一个影子的陪伴 少了一张熟悉的脸 嗯。。。。。 那晚的游戏 几次的罚你喝酒 我让过去就这么一笔购销 一切又回到过去 我们是笑着打闹陪伴 最后一次 上完课一起去吃饭 我们总是像一家人似的吃饭 点菜叫饭 围着圆桌子 谈笑着无厘头的话题 只有在我们面前 看见你难得孩子气 在我们面前 你会想尽话题 只有在你们面前 我给予我的笑容 我的童心未眠 我们曾经吵吵闹闹 我们曾经互不爽对方 只是随着毕业 不再看见你们的背影 不在偷拍到你们上课睡觉的样子 不再为了催促assignment而对你们三番四请 太多的事情 不再能每天一起做。。 每天每天 站在忙亂又無聊的路旁  等你向我走來  每天每天 一直看見到你和你說話  才算有個開始  每天每天 我都沒感覺我們有什麼改變  我一直以為 這是永遠  而我無法想像你會離開* 我已習慣 你走在我的右手邊  一起看無聊搞笑片  約好去看地中海的藍  我已習慣 我們在一起像Old friend  分享生活裡的一切 我知道你每個笑  有不同的意義存在 明白讓你走會後悔(不願意...

你怎么老是让我不知所措? 你怎么老是处处关心我呢? 你怎么会一直对我如此热情? 我不知道我们之间的关系是什么? 我想当你成为我的好朋友 可是 从来好朋友不会成为我的伴侣 当他离开你的时候 我第一个站出来陪你 你说你想要人陪陪 我毫不犹豫答应陪你外出 我说我想吃冰 你只是静静坐在我身旁 我说我冷了 你脱下你的外套递给我 你说你想我 你问我是否也想你了 你说你不舍得我 你问我们还剩多久的时间 你总是比我早起来 也比我早睡觉 每天一封你的早安信息 你的晚安信息结束一天24小时的过去 仔细想想 你为我做过什么? 当我被他拒绝 你给予我支持 当我无所事事 发着白日梦 你的信息 带我回到现实 吃饭看戏 你总是细心体贴 替我拉椅子买单 注意我的安全 我不敢去想我们的关系 你说过男女之间的关系太复杂 你愿意就这样借我你的肩膀 直到我找到我的肩膀 脑袋有时会想 你是否会在意我 可是你的信息回复往往迟于3分钟 传说在乎一个人是不会超过3分钟的 我实在不敢想 她问我问题出于哪里 我。。。 她说我应该还没准备好 即使遇上对的人 又要顾虑所谓的安全感 好像恋爱从来不是一件简单的事情 你说是吗? 我想 你从来不过是要人陪 我从来不过是热情 我们什么都不是 其实心里是有点想念你。。

smile just like this =)

i was planning to have my weekend with my drama before i start my college but miracle always come without planning. i am offered to work at PWTC for the DOMESTIC TOURISM FAIR Actually my job scope just help out at the RHB booth as what the people texted me But when i am there, it wasn't!!! I am playing the WII !! yea, that is my duty or maybe do some record for the RHB bank. walking around in the fair, sitting and chit chatz.. what a enjoyable work! The happiest will be the chance playing the WII with the public. The laughing, the distance between me and them is like '0' Adults enjoy the games and so do the kids. Parent will drop their kids at the booth, they are take turn to play the WII and i turn to be a baby sister. Oh My Godness. i hate children. But when those kids being so obedient. i become a big kid just like them...I love them and they are so cute. wahaha..XD My collegue are malays. this is a pro for me not speaking well in Malay. But luckily, i could u/stand th...


有些事要说。。 我想他们一定小时候太爱玩纸飞机了 结果突然一起放完我的飞机 我也没什么生气 因为我明白他们跟他们不熟啊 我明白他们有自己的理由 心里闷着的像她说的 原来她有察觉 我该开心吗? 因为 那晚的局面就像当初 我跟她们 也是最后一次 在同一个chatbox把话说开 当年的我就这么相信友情要这样才能经得起考验 才算是可贵的! 事隔3年了 我依然还是觉得友情确实要这样 也让自己更了解自己一点 原来即使憋在心中不说 只要自己找到发泄管道 我会把事情忘了 我能说自己说是乐观的人吗? 事情告一段了 我想一切还是美好的 只是 我对他给了一个很大的开炮 有意无意的用言语用字句去伤害他 心里对他是不舍 只是 朋友, 我们都长大了 我们从了解到男女有别的时候 我就该学会对你有所避忌 只是从来 你依然是我心中 儿时 认识的小玩伴 很想跟他说。。。。 【对不起】 我跟他们去溜冰了 看来这次的溜冰让我看懂了一件事 一直抱着的想法 一直抱着的信念 瞬间 看懂了 释怀了 再次牵着他的手 没有了过去心动快感 原来我对他早已回到了朋友的阶段 只是从来他都是我的特别朋友 原来时间真的是很好的解药 他曾经是很好的伴侣 我中途离开了他的旅程 这次的出外 还能像朋友般的嬉笑打闹 我知道 我可以寻找下一段爱情了 属于他的位置与回忆 已经是我生命中的插曲 我相信有人更值得 放在我心上。 我们一伙人在她的家吃晚餐 初头还有她的家人随伴 有点尴尬的局面 因为我跟他们也差点闹翻了 她主动坐到我身边 我主动打开话题 心里没有疙瘩 至少我是那么认为 也许她们心里有些疑问 其实 你们早已找到了答案 只是爱面子的我没有承认 心里是歇斯底里的在意 当看见她的心里话 她为她说话 我心开始融了 原来我也会吃醋。> 也感激她们的安慰电话 一直为我分析解释 那颗早已被醋子盖过脑袋的的心 得到一丝的解答 套的那句 【朋友不是假的】 我爱你 后来她的父母离开了 剩下我们这群年轻人 在那个大房子里 玩游戏 罚喝酒喝汽水喝豆奶 原来年轻人就是这么一回事 只要玩几下就能把过去的不愉快给抹掉 这样的生活不好么? 嬉笑哈哈又一天了 简单是最好不过 **结果半夜2点多才回家 出了一趟门 看了一场电影 吃了snowflake 买了j-co 我就与他道别了 他要回家乡了 我让他不用陪我到车站 因为我担心他赶不及去机场 我退了一步 看一看这...

2 people WANTED!

I MISS THEM !!! once i open my eyes. the 2 person come into my mind. yea..i am damnably miss them a lot.. urgh...i duno why..this missing sick is when i am alone at Redang starring to the stars i wish they were there sharing the view with me. 1thing very funny. at that time, my mind was full with their faces their warms to me. Seldom we are together after Form5 we use to holding each hand walking together, that day her bezday, i asked her [ how long i never hold you hand? ] she could answer me without any much thinking [ right after our high skol ] a little action between us, not only me but she did put in heart too.. at that moment i am very very very melt into silences.. 3 people we were..always people said, odd numbers, shall be 1 get omitted but She always could make everyone fit into the gangs without worrying no partner i miss those days we were together. the laughing we make. the secret we shared the everything i am with them. as days goes by..the picture between us getting less...

i ❤ redang

finally i am back! BACK from my super nice trip at Redang. i love the sun the beach the fish the air the everything belongs to the Redang. b4 i leave KL, i did express my feeling on him..erm..yeah..i fail! I went to Redang without any wordiness and fully enjoy the trips The life there do really free they served us breakfast,lunch,tea time and also dinner everything there was so so so simple rather than the city life the day time, we did busy with the snokeling, visit the under water world i always thought the sea would be quite dangerous for me I DUNNO HOW TO SWIM but with the life jacket, the mask oh yea..i can make it! haha.. my heart did so much excited and happy when can look into the deep sea visit the 'resident' swim with them and they are so cute!!! the night time, is own leisure time. i prefer sit alone under the sky, listen to the waves looking to the stars and dreaming in comfortable way! =) hehe.. the most exciting part would be the sunrise part! we were woke up earl...

sick jo..

sounds like lot sad news happen around them, i was acting the role to comfort him..and yet yday, i was went out with them. she was joining us a hang out with them ...mostly him. it did bring me back lot memories but that was long time ago stories. i was so much excited when i know the heart beating for some1 i experienced the heart broken late in the night. i enjoy the every moment with them but i know something goes wrong in my feeling and my body.. *seriously this is the feeling i fall into officially to him...i am not play gal..he is the one* we went for night market, sakae sushi.. he gave me a little advice after read my palm and i have no idea on it. i am thinking to take a course after my Adv.Diploma. as what he your dream. anyway just a planning. unfortunately the body fall sick.. wuwuwuwuwuwu....whole days sleep and mum keep take caring me i was texted him late in the night, and yet after all is end..YEA..END! desperately wanna cry but wat should i cry for? we never...